

Paternity, Testing, and Responsibility

Wandling & Associates will represent mothers and fathers in cases of paternity. Unfortunately, in today’s world, there are many who have fathered children but simply refuse to take responsibility by denying the paternity of the child.

If the father of your child has refused to accept his responsibility, we can help to establish legal rights for you and your child so you can pursue other legal actions such as an order for child support. A paternity test will determine a child's parents without a doubt so there can be no denial.
Contact Wandling & Associates

Protecting Father's Rights

There are also fathers who are seeking time with their children and sincerely want to take care of them, but because there was no marriage to the mother of the child, they do not have established rights.

We are very happy to represent fathers who are seeking to establish their own legal rights to their children so that custody can be dealt with and parenting time can be fairly enforced.

Call 574-234-2220
and Schedule Your
FREE Initial Consultation.
Personalized Services

Locally Owned

Indiana State Bar Assn.

St. Joseph County Bar Assn.
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